About Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn is a Tampa area native, grew up in Bloomingdale. She moved away for a total of 2 years, but ended up coming home to where she belonged, despite having a special place in her heart for a small town in Tennessee.

When moving back to the area, despite it being “home” for so long, Kaitlyn had to fall back in love with the Tampa area, and she did this by exploring new places with her pup, Albert.

She and her husband (who is also a Tampa area native!) bought their first home together in Riverview in 2015, and one of her biggest things was making sure the home and yard was just right for Albert. They quickly adopted three kitties, within just a few months of moving in.

Once Kaitlyn got into real estate in early 2018, she learned that she is NOT the only one who would want to make sure the home and yard is right for her pets. Now it is her mission to help those who want the purrfect home for their pets, whether they be fur babies, scaley babies, feathery babies, or something else! She also donates a portion of her commission on every home sale to local rescues, to help rescue pets get their dream homes too!

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About Albert

Albert, also known as Boobert or simply just Boob, is an old boy now, who loves his bed, human food, and his pawrents. He enjoys walks and Jeep rides, as long as he is with his people. He likes chewing a bone or antler, hunting lizards, and chasing tennis balls. He tolerates the cats, and Sparkplug’s licks to clean his ears.

He likes new friends, and sunbathing. He hates when his mommy leaves for too long, but gets excited when she’s back home.

He is a large Lab mix, originally from somewhere in North Carolina. Kaitlyn adopted him at just under 4 months old, and he has been her constant companion since the moment they met.